[图书][B] Mic dicţionar de termeni utilizaţi în teoria, practica şi didactica traducerii

G Lungu-Badea - 2012 - ceeol.com
Mic dicţionar de termeni utilizaţi în teoria, practica şi didactica traducerii este, în primul rând,
un dicţionar mult aşteptat, fiind primul material de acest gen în terminografia românească …

[图书][B] Comparative Law-Engaging Translation

S Glanert - 2014 - api.taylorfrancis.com
In an era marked by processes of economic, political and legal integration that are arguably
unprecedented in their range and impact, the translation of law has assumed a significance …

Traduction culturelle: transfert de culturèmes

N Cuciuc - La linguistique, 2011 - cairn.info
Within a folkloric text, the first task of the bilingual translator is to identify the cultural referents
(the culturemes) which will aid to the better transposition of the socio-cultural atmosphere …

[图书][B] Idei şi metaidei traductive româneşti (secolele al XVI-lea–al XXI-lea)

G Lungu-Badea - 2015 - ceeol.com
Prezentul studiu de traductologie românească are ca obiectiv stabilirea unei conexiuni
explicite între, pe de-o parte, preteoriile inductive de traducere, din secolele al XVIII-lea şi al …

Subtitling: the transfer of culture-specific words in a multidimensional translation

V Shiryaeva, GL Badea - Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014 - Elsevier
The following article is focused on particularities of transferring culturally marked words in
the subtitled translation from English into Russian and Romanian. In the first part of the study …

La traducción de los culturemas (Discusión al margen de la traducción de una novela de Guillermo Arriaga)

ON Petruscu - Revista Valenciana, estudios de filosofía y letras, 2011 - dialnet.unirioja.es
En este artículo nos proponemos revisar, sobre una base léxica y fraseológica, la traducción
publicada al rumano de la novela de Guillermo Arriaga, Un dulce olor a muerte, a partir del …

Translation and the 'contamination'of comparative legal research

CJWJ Baaij - Comparative Law-Engaging Translation, 2014 - taylorfrancis.com
This chapter asks how a legal translator should approach the translation of authoritative
legal texts for the purpose of subsequent comparative legal research. Comparative legal …

Pour une lecture critique des traductions: réflexions et pratiques

M Constantinescu - 2013 - torrossa.com
Le projet très solide et très ambitieux d'Antoine Berman (1995) de faire vivre une discipline à
part entière, nommée «critique des traductions» est encore loin d'être réalisé. Notre …

[PDF][PDF] Minority in English literary translation: the case of Slovak culture-bound items

K Bednarova-Gibova - XLinguae Journal, 2017 - researchgate.net
The paper homes in on the analysis of culture-bound items in the English translation of the
Slovak novel Rivers of Babylon (1991) which contains unique lexis symptomatic of the (post) …

[PDF][PDF] La traduction (im) propre du nom propre littéraire

G Lungu-Badea - Translationes, 2011 - sciendo.com
La traduction (im)propre du nom propre littéraire1 Page 1 65 Translationes, Volume 3, 2011
DOI: 10.2478/tran-2014-0047 La traduction (im)propre du nom propre littéraire1 Georgiana …