Laporan arus kas merupakan ringkasan transaksi keuangan yang berhubungan dengan kas, yang menggambarkan arus kas masuk dan arus kas keluar secara terperinci dari …
AKS Yanti, A Arvidas, R Fitriasari -
This paper discusses an implementation of a system at the PT. FXI, a company specializing in freight forwarding. To support its operational activity, the Softlink's Enterprise Resource …
This study aimed to examine the internal factor and external factor that can support or inhibit the development PT. Surabaya Container Terminal to support the role of containers in import …
This paper discusses an implementation of a Qistern at the PT. FXL a company specializing in fieight f0t" W< 2t'dt'ng, I support its operational activity; the Sojitink's Enterprise Resource …