This book challenges the view of the relationship between Kant's and Sartre's practical philosophies arguing that Kant was one of Sartre's most significant predecessors. The book …
D Zoller - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 2015 - Springer
While it is well recognized that many everyday consumer behaviors, such as purchases of sweatshop goods, come at a cost to the global poor, it has proven difficult to argue that even …
This thesis focuses on the moral dimensions inscribed in social policy discourses and the norms governing access to social protection, for example perceptions about the agency …
The internet has introduced a number of new ethical challenges or, at the very least, added complexities to existing ones. Whereas in the physical world, human action is limited by …
Beginning in the 1990s and even still today, police departments often discuss policing as a “shared responsibility,” leading to the implementation throughout the nation of what is called …
Recently there has been interest in building a case that individuals who contribute to phenomena like climate change or labor exploitation through their everyday practices are …
11. Kant, Immanuel: Sulla produzione di libri. Due lettere al signor Friedrich Nicolai. In: L'autore ei suoi diritti, s. Nr. 456, 125–133. 12. Kant, Emmanuel: Sur la différence des sexes …
Throughout his work, Kant regularly glosses 'morality'(and cognate expressions) as 'worthiness to be happy'(Würdigkeit glücklich zu sein). As a rule, Kant's commentators do not …
En primer lugar, debo agradecer a la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores (SRE) del Gobierno de México, por haberme otorgado una beca de estudios, la cual no sólo me …