Group decisions based on confidence weighted majority voting

S Meyen, DMB Sigg, U Luxburg, VH Franz - Cognitive research: principles …, 2021 - Springer
Background It has repeatedly been reported that, when making decisions under uncertainty,
groups outperform individuals. Real groups are often replaced by simulated groups: Instead …

Anomalies in the detection of change: When changes in sample size are mistaken for changes in proportions

K Fiedler, Y Kareev, J Avrahami, S Beier, F Kutzner… - Memory & …, 2016 - Springer
Detecting changes, in performance, sales, markets, risks, social relations, or public opinions,
constitutes an important adaptive function. In a sequential paradigm devised to investigate …

Perspectives on the 2× 2 matrix: Solving semantically distinct problems based on a shared structure of binary contingencies

H Neth, N Gradwohl, D Streeb, DA Keim… - Frontiers in …, 2021 -
Cognition is both empowered and limited by representations. The matrix lens model
explicates tasks that are based on frequency counts, conditional probabilities, and binary …

Warum erfolgreiche Prognosen einfach und unsicher sind: Von der Wahl des richtigen Werkzeugs für Wähler und die Wahlforschung

H Neth, W Gaissmaier - Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 2017 - Springer
Für Entscheidungswissenschaftler sind Wahlen–ungeachtet aller Warnungen–ein
großartiges und größenwahnsinniges Experiment. Während wir sonst das …

Hijacking Sorrow, Joy, Pleasure and Reward: A Philosophical Interpretive Framework for the Theory of Alcohol Addiction

V Yevarouski - Sociologija. Mintis ir veiksmas, 2017 -
This article offers a philosophical interpretation of the key concepts of alcohol addiction in
neuroscience (the anhedonia hypothesis, the want-like system, the incentive salience …

[PDF][PDF] Decision making in a social world: Coordination, recommendation, and

N Gradwohl - 2021 -
In dieser Dissertation wird beleuchtet, wie sich Menschen in einer sozialen Umwelt
zurechtfinden, in der durch die Gegenwart anderer unterschiedliche, gegenseitige …

Decision making in a social world: Coordination, recommendation, and resource allocation

N Gradwohl - 2021 -
In dieser Dissertation wird beleuchtet, wie sich Menschen in einer sozialen Umwelt
zurechtfinden, in der durch die Gegenwart anderer unterschiedliche, gegenseitige …

Group decisions based on confidence weighted majority voting

M Sascha, S Dorothee, U von Luxburg… - Cognitive …, 2021 -
Background It has repeatedly been reported that, when making decisions under uncertainty,
groups outperform individuals. Real groups are often replaced by simulated groups: Instead …

Privacy decision-making in the Digital Era

Κ Αναστασοπούλου - 2016 -
Human activities that involve the Internet lead to the disclosure of personal information,
either directly, as in the case of posting photos, videos and personal thoughts on an online …