[图书][B] Shadow Tribe: The Making of Columbia River Indian Identity

AH Fisher - 2010 - books.google.com
Shadow Tribe offers the first in-depth history of the Pacific Northwest's Columbia River
Indians--the defiant River People whose ancestors refused to settle on the reservations …

[图书][B] Freedom Is Not Enough: The War on Poverty and the Civil Rights Movement in Texas

WS Clayson - 2010 - degruyter.com
22. University of Texas at Dallas, Windows on Urban Poverty. 23. Ibid. The website ranks
population density in quartiles, 1 being the least dense and 4 being the most dense. Nine of …

[图书][B] The Port Royal Experiment: A Case Study in Development

K Dougherty - 2014 - books.google.com
The Port Royal Experiment builds on classic scholarship to present not a historical narrative
but a study of what is now called development and nation-building. The Port Royal …

[图书][B] Black freedom and the University of North Carolina, 1793–1960

JK Chapman - 2006 - search.proquest.com
Recent histories of the University of North Carolina trivialize the institution's support for white
supremacy during slavery, Reconstruction, and Jim Crow, while denying that this unjust past …

[图书][B] My Calling to Fulfill: The Orie O. Miller Story

JE Sharp - 2015 - books.google.com
In a century marked by two devastating world wars, the fractious fundamentalist-modernist
debate, and growing diversity in the church, Orie O. Miller helped to lead Mennonites from …

[图书][B] One Mississippi, two Mississippi: Methodists, murder, and the struggle for racial justice in Neshoba county

CVR George - 2015 - books.google.com
During Freedom Summer 1964, three young civil rights workers who were tasked with
registering voters at Mt. Zion Methodist Church in Neshoba County, Mississippi were …

Internationalizing the United States survey course: American history for a global age

CJ Guarneri - The History Teacher, 2002 - JSTOR
THE LA PIETRA REPORT OF 2000, issued jointly by New York University and the
Organization of American Historians (OAH), makes an eloquent appeal for a more …

[图书][B] Student's guide to landmark congressional laws on civil rights

MD Pohlmann, LV Whisenhunt - 2002 - books.google.com
The Declaration of Independence stated that all men are created equal, yet the long and
continuing struggle for civil rights in the United States seems to indicate otherwise. This …

Irish Protestants and the creation of the Bible belt

B Vann - Journal of Transatlantic Studies, 2007 - Taylor & Francis
As political circumstances changed in Plantation Ulster, ministers began to desacralize their
country while casting a geotheological view towards America. In 1729, a frustrated Ulster …

Beyond the Presidential Synthesis: Reordering Political Time

JE Zelizer - A Companion to Post-1945 America, 2002 - Wiley Online Library
In 1948, the historian Thomas Cochran attacked the “presidential synthesis,” the prevailing
framework that had structured most narratives about the history of the United States …