Threats to sandy beach ecosystems: a review

O Defeo, A McLachlan, DS Schoeman… - Estuarine, coastal and …, 2009 - Elsevier
We provide a brief synopsis of the unique physical and ecological attributes of sandy beach
ecosystems and review the main anthropogenic pressures acting on the world's single …

Identifying the consequences of ocean sprawl for sedimentary habitats

EC Heery, MJ Bishop, LP Critchley, AB Bugnot… - Journal of Experimental …, 2017 - Elsevier
Extensive development and construction in marine and coastal systems is driving a
phenomenon known as “ocean sprawl”. Ocean sprawl removes or transforms marine …

[PDF][PDF] 8.02-Estuarine and coastal structures: environmental effects, a focus on shore and nearshore structures

JE Dugan, L Airoldi, MG Chapman, SJ Walker… - Treatise on estuarine …, 2011 - Citeseer
Rapidly growing populations and expanding development are intensifying pressures on
coastal ecosystems. Sea-level rise and other predicted effects of climate change are …

Sandy shore ecosystems and the threats facing them: some predictions for the year 2025

AC Brown, A McLachlan - Environmental conservation, 2002 -
Pollution, mining, disruption of sand transport and tourism development widely affect sandy
shores, and these systems may be subject to increased erosion in future, yet there have …

Ecology of freshwater shore zones

DL Strayer, SEG Findlay - Aquatic sciences, 2010 - Springer
Freshwater shore zones are among the most ecologically valuable parts of the planet, but
have been heavily damaged by human activities. Because the management and …

Ecological effects of coastal armoring on sandy beaches

JE Dugan, DM Hubbard, IF Rodil, DL Revell… - Marine …, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
Use of coastal armoring is expected to escalate in response to the combination of expanding
human populations, beach erosion, and sea level rise along the coasts. To provide a …

Nature-based and bioinspired solutions for coastal protection: an overview among key ecosystems and a promising pathway for new functional and sustainable …

V Perricone, M Mutalipassi, A Mele… - ICES Journal of …, 2023 -
Coastal erosion is occurring at a faster rate than in the past. The adverse impacts are not
negligible at environmental, economic, and socio-cultural levels. Hence, coastal protection …

Living with shore protection structures: a review

KF Nordstrom - Estuarine, coastal and shelf science, 2014 - Elsevier
Shore protection structures will continue to be built and maintained to protect coastal
infrastructure. This review identifies factors influencing our ability to retain or restore natural …

Sediment management in coastal infrastructures: Techno-economic and environmental impact assessment of alternative technologies to dredging

A Bianchini, F Cento, A Guzzini, M Pellegrini… - Journal of environmental …, 2019 - Elsevier
The presence of anthropic activity in the coastal or riverine environment modifies the wave
as well as the water and sediment current regime. In particular, the body of water around …

[PDF][PDF] The impacts of coastal armoring

GB Griggs - Shore and beach, 2005 -
The increasing development of our coastlines combined with the effects of sea level rise,
hurricanes, and El Niño and other storm events with their associated elevated sea levels …