Why does conscientiousness matter for education? How is conscientiousness conceptualized in the field of research on education? How do socio-emotional (SE) skills …
How much do people's personalities change or remain stable from high school to retirement? To address these questions, we used a large US sample (N= 1,795) that …
It is common practice in correlational or quasiexperimental studies to use statistical control to remove confounding effects from a regression coefficient. Controlling for relevant …
Por que os grandes gurus do Vale do Silício proíbem seus filhos de usar telas? Você sabia que nunca na história da humanidade houve um declínio tão acentuado nas habilidades …
The importance of personality for predicting life outcomes in the domains of love, work, and health is well established, as is evidence that personality traits, while relatively stable, can …
People who take on challenges and persevere longer are more likely to succeed in life. But individuals often avoid exerting effort, and there is limited experimental research …
Counterproductive academic behaviors (CAB) are a major problem for educational institutions all over the world. For this reason, to determine the potential predictors of CAB is …
This study examined the relationship of personality traits with academic achievement, while controlling for cognitive ability. We considered two domains (Mathematics and English as a …
Social, emotional, and behavioral (SEB) skills comprise a broad set of abilities that are essential for building and maintaining relationships, regulating emotions, selecting and …