Generalist brood parasites that share nests with host nestlings can optimize resource acquisition from host parents by balancing the benefits that host nest-mates provide …
Many animals have evolved fine-tuned enemy recognition (the ability to discriminate between threat types) and respond to threats based on their particular impact on survival …
Transitions between life history stages are fitness-limiting events that depend on environmental and individual characteristics. For altricial birds, fledging from the nest is a …
Generalist avian brood parasites commonly serve as a model system to test for plasticity in offspring growth and behavior under various host environmental and parental regimes …
The antagonistic arms races between obligate brood parasites and their hosts provide critical insights into coevolutionary processes and constraints on the evolution of life history …
Common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) females lay their eggs in the nests of other avian hosts, relying on parental care provided by parasitised hosts. Therefore, it would benefit cuckoo …
One of the richest opportunities for studying coevolution comes from obligate brood parasitism, a unique reproductive strategy performed by only 1% of the world's bird species …
Diverse animal lineages communicate using complex vocalizations, which can have structural and functional parallels with human language. One such set of communication …
Interactions between hosts and their brood parasites have dramatic effects on reproductive outcomes and survival for all participants. Using an integrative approach, my dissertation …