[PDF][PDF] Behavior change communication using social media: A review

EO Adewuyi, K Adefemi - International Journal of communication and …, 2016 - academia.edu
The emergence of social media introduced a new dimension to communication. The media
is increasingly being used in almost every aspect of human endeavor–from marketing and …

Optimalisasi Penggunaan Media Sosial Dalam Pemasaran Sosial Dan Komunikasi Perubahan Perilaku (Suatu Pendekatan Studi Literature Review)

I Yulia - HEARTY, 2018 - ejournal.uika-bogor.ac.id
Kemajuan teknologi yang semakin pesat dewasa ini telah menciptakan media baru dalam
berkomunikasi. Hadirnya teknologi internet memudahkan seseorang untuk berkomunikasi …

Measuring online political dialogue: Does polarization trigger more deliberation?

IJ Serrano-Contreras, J García-Marín… - Media and …, 2020 - ssoar.info
In recent years, we have witnessed an increasing consolidation of different realms where
citizens can deliberate and discuss a variety of topics of general interest, including politics …

[PDF][PDF] The body as a brand in social media: analyzing digital fitness influencers as product endorsers

MJDB Silva, SA Farias, MHK Grigg, ML Barbosa - Athenea digital, 2021 - pure.buas.nl
The advancement of technologies in recent years has provided new social, economic and
cultural mentalities and behaviors that reflect the lives of individuals in a Digital Age marked …

[PDF][PDF] Pemasaran Melaui Media Sosial pada Usaha Kecil

Y Istanto, I Rahatmawati, D Sugandini, R Arundati… - 2020 - eprints.upnyk.ac.id
Puji Syukur senantiasa dipanjatkan kepada Allah SWT yang senantiasa melimpahkan
segala rahmat, karunia, dan petunjuk-Nya, sehingga buku Pemasaran Melaui Media Sosial …

Social media for fisheries science and management professionals: how to use it and why you should

DS Shiffman - Fisheries, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Social media has revolutionized how people communicate with one another. This has
important implications for science, environmental advocacy, and natural resource …

Social Media and Politics

J Hutchinson, F Suwana, C McTernan - Social Media in Society, 2024 - Springer
The chapter considers how marketing techniques are applied to political and social change
campaigns. It includes attempts at persuasion, and manipulation, through the digital …

Social media: A flexible collaborative learning space for teacher professional learning to integrate education for sustainability in schools

F Mostafa - Journal of Open, Flexible and Distance Learning, 2021 - search.informit.org
The importance and need for education for sustainability (EfS) are recognised in the New
Zealand Curriculum. Teachers face challenges, however, due to lack of support and …

Creepy or cool? An exploration of non-malicious deepfakes through analysis of two case studies

K Cleveland - 2022 - search.proquest.com
Several studies have examined the harms associated with the development of deepfake
technology and its use by malicious actors, but less research has been devoted to …

Access Behaviour Capacity and Usage on Social Media: Exploring Higher Distance Education Students' Perception

D Rahardjo, A Bintarti - Jurnal ASPIKOM, 2023 - jurnalaspikom.org
The extensive usage of social media in today's globalized society has had an impact on the
education industry. To undertake academic and non-academic activities, social media are …