Beim Studium der jüngeren Kontroversen über den Darwinismus fiel mir wiederholt auf, das sie falsche Darstellungen enthielten, so als würde es sich um irgendetwas Umfassenderes …
MC Green, JJ Strange, TC Brock - 2003 -
The impact of public narratives has been so broad (including effects on beliefs and behavior but extending beyond to emotion and personality), that the stakeholders in the process have …
The rediscovery of Mendel's laws a century ago launched the science that William Bateson called “genetics,” and led to a new view of evolution combining selection, particulate …
In 1999, the Reverend Jerry Falwell outed Tinky-Winky, the purple character from TV's Teletubbies. Events such as this reinforced in many quarters the common idea that …
A philosopher subjects the claims of evolutionary psychology to the evidential and methodological requirements of evolutionary biology, concluding that evolutionary …
Names: Prothero, Donald R.| Buell, Carl Dennis, illustrator. Title: Evolution: what the fossils say and why it matters/Donald R. Prothero; with original Illustrations by Carl Buell …
Page 1 FOREWORD BY STEPHEN JAY GOULD DEFENDING EVOLUTION A guide to the creation/evolution controversy Brian J. Alters Sandra M. Alters Page 2 Page 3 "... this book …
A Mazur - Politics and the Life Sciences, 2004 -
Background. Citizens of the United States are less likely than are citizens of Europe and several non-European nations to believe that humans evolved from an earlier species …
The conflict between creationists and evolutionists has raged ever since the publication of On the Origin of Species in 1859. And yet, even as generations of Americans have fought …