Global positioning system (GPS) telemetry technology allows us to monitor and to map the details of animal movement, securing vast quantities of such data even for highly cryptic …
The study of animal movement has always been a key element in ecological science, because it is inherently linked to critical processes that scale from individuals to populations …
A “landscape of fear”(LOF) is a map that describes continuous spatial variation in an animal's perception of predation risk. The relief on this map reflects, for example, places that …
They may influence us as individuals by their encouragement and guidance; they may affect their community through their untiring commitment to service and the greater good; or they …
Increased availability of high-resolution movement data has led to the development of numerous methods for studying changes in animal movement behavior. Path segmentation …
Home range behaviour is a common pattern of space use, having fundamental consequences for ecological processes. However, a general mechanistic explanation is still …
We propose a continuous‐time version of the correlated random walk model for animal telemetry data. The continuous‐time formulation allows data that have been nonuniformly …
Models of habitat preference are widely used to quantify animal–habitat relationships, to describe and predict differential space use by animals, and to identify habitat that is …
Global positioning system (GPS) technologies collect unprecedented volumes of animal location data, providing ever greater insight into animal behaviour. Despite a certain degree …