As probable maximum flood flows are updated for existing spillways, modifications or replacement of the existing spillway are often required to increase discharge capacity …
Labyrinth weirs are commonly used to increase the capacity of existing spillways and provide more efficient spillways for new dams due to their high specific discharge capacity …
JM Carrillo, J Matos, R Lopes - Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 2020 - Springer
In recent decades, the advancement of knowledge on the hydraulics of labyrinth weirs has resulted mainly from physical modeling. In this study, numerical simulations of free-flow and …
The majority of published studies on labyrinth weir are limited to the influence of geometric parameters on its efficiency. However, approach flow conditions can have a significant …
A rectangular labyrinth weir has a very good flood release capacity as well as strong economical and structural advantages. In this study, combined analytical and experimental …
F Belaabed, A Ouamane - Labyrinth and Piano Key Weirs II, 2013 -
The piano keys weir can operate in two different flow conditions, in free flow and submerged flow by its use. It can be used to protect the dam against the extreme floods, to measure or …
Weirs are one of the most important hydraulic structures for flow control, water discharge measurement, and regulating of upstream water elevation in canals, irrigation networks, and …
Labyrinth weirs are commonly used to increase the capacity of existing spillways and provide more efficient spillways for new dams due to their high specific discharge capacity …
Les déversoirs non rectilignes représentent une alternative rentable du point de vue hydraulique et économique. Ils sont recommandé à la fois pour les nouveaux barrages et …