Dynamically primed synaptic vesicle states: key to understand synaptic short-term plasticity

E Neher, N Brose - Neuron, 2018 - cell.com
Based on evidence that the docked and primed synaptic vesicle state is very dynamic, we
propose a three-step process for the buildup of the molecular machinery that mediates …

Quantal fluctuations in central mammalian synapses: functional role of vesicular docking sites

C Pulido, A Marty - Physiological reviews, 2017 - journals.physiology.org
Quantal fluctuations are an integral part of synaptic signaling. At the frog neuromuscular
junction, Bernard Katz proposed that quantal fluctuations originate at “reactive sites” where …

Distinct nanoscale calcium channel and synaptic vesicle topographies contribute to the diversity of synaptic function

N Rebola, M Reva, T Kirizs, M Szoboszlay, A Lőrincz… - Neuron, 2019 - cell.com
The nanoscale topographical arrangement of voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCC) and
synaptic vesicles (SVs) determines synaptic strength and plasticity, but whether distinct …

Actin-and myosin-dependent vesicle loading of presynaptic docking sites prior to exocytosis

T Miki, G Malagon, C Pulido, I Llano, E Neher, A Marty - Neuron, 2016 - cell.com
Variance analysis of postsynaptic current amplitudes suggests the presence of distinct
docking sites (also called release sites) where vesicles pause before exocytosis. Docked …

An exact transient solution characterizing stochastic dynamics of neuronal synaptic transmission

A Singh - 2023 - osf.io
This note investigates the stochastic dynamics of quantal content, ie, the number of vesicles
released from a chemical synapse in response to high-frequency stimulation. The model …

Homeostatic plasticity in epilepsy

G Lignani, P Baldelli, V Marra - Frontiers in cellular neuroscience, 2020 - frontiersin.org
In the healthy brain, neuronal excitability and synaptic strength are homeostatically
regulated to keep neuronal network activity within physiological boundaries. Epilepsy is …

Human pyramidal to interneuron synapses are mediated by multi-vesicular release and multiple docked vesicles

G Molnár, M Rózsa, J Baka, N Holderith, P Barzó… - Elife, 2016 - elifesciences.org
Classic theories link cognitive abilities to synaptic properties and human-specific biophysical
features of synapses might contribute to the unparalleled performance of the human …

Numbers of presynaptic Ca2+ channel clusters match those of functionally defined vesicular docking sites in single central synapses

T Miki, WA Kaufmann, G Malagon… - Proceedings of the …, 2017 - National Acad Sciences
Many central synapses contain a single presynaptic active zone and a single postsynaptic
density. Vesicular release statistics at such “simple synapses” indicate that they contain a …

Triple function of synaptotagmin 7 ensures efficiency of high-frequency transmission at central GABAergic synapses

C Chen, R Satterfield, SM Young, P Jonas - Cell reports, 2017 - cell.com
Summary Synaptotagmin 7 (Syt7) is thought to be a Ca 2+ sensor that mediates
asynchronous transmitter release and facilitation at synapses. However, Syt7 is strongly …

Functional effects of distinct innervation styles of pyramidal cells by fast spiking cortical interneurons

Y Kubota, S Kondo, M Nomura, S Hatada… - Elife, 2015 - elifesciences.org
Inhibitory interneurons target precise membrane regions on pyramidal cells, but differences
in their functional effects on somata, dendrites and spines remain unclear. We analyzed …