Rancang Bangun Alat Pendeteksi NOx dan CO Berbasis Mikrokontroler ESP32 dengan Notifikasi Via Telegram dan Suara

M Asmazori - JITCE (Journal of Information Technology and …, 2021 - jitce.fti.unand.ac.id
The design of NOx and CO detectors based on notifications via telegram and voice has
been carried out. This detector consists of a gas sensor MQ-135 as a nitrogen oxide detector …

Development of Sound Wave Experimentation Tools Which Influenced by Relative Humidity Using Audacity

H Mariyo, N Islami - Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019 - iopscience.iop.org
The development of experimental tools is important for teachers to assist in the learning
process of physics. The purpose research is to develop a sound wave experiment tool that is …

Sistem Kendali dan Monitoring Infus Berbasis Internet of Things

MSN Firmansyah, A Muhajar… - Journal of Applied …, 2022 - jurnal.polibatam.ac.id
Intravenous therapy is a way to give fluids into the body through a vein to replace lost fluids.
Problems that occur with the use of intravenous therapy include air embolism or blood rising …

Hubungan tingkat intensitas bunyi dengan penurunan daya dengar pekerja

AA Ramadhan, PS Wardani… - Progressive Physics …, 2021 - jurnal.fmipa.unmul.ac.id
Noise is unwanted sound that can cause health problems and environmental comfort at a
certain level and time. Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NHL) is a type of sensorineural hearing …

[PDF][PDF] Pengaruh Gelombang Bunyi Frekuensi 3 KHz-4 KHz Pada Ketahanan Padi Varietas Logawa Terhadap Kutu Beras

K Nadliroh - download.garuda.kemdikbud.go.id
Kutu beras merupakan salah satu jenis hama yang menyerang beras, keberadaan kutu
beras dapat merusak kandungan beras, bentuk beras maupun warna beras. Beras yang …

[PDF][PDF] Penggunaan Amperemeter Dan Voltmeter Dalam Pengukuran Listrik DC

A Hanif, SD Prasetyo, B Kusharjanta - academia.edu
Metode yang digunakan praktikan adalah metode studi literatur. Metode ini juga biasa
disebut sebagai metode penelitian pustaka. Selain menggunakan metode tersebut …

The Efffect of Wave Sound at Frequency 3 kHz-4 kHz on Logawa Rice Resistance to Rice Lices

K Nadliroh - Natural B, Journal of Health and Environmental …, 2018 - natural.ub.ac.id
Rice lice is one type of pest that attacks rice, the presence of rice lice can damage the
content of rice, rice form and color of rice. Rice that is exposed to rice lice pests will easily …

[引用][C] Rancang Bangun Trainer Kit: Pengaruh Suhu Terhadap Cepat Rambat Bunyi pada Pipa Organa Tertutup Berbantu Mikrokontroler Arduino Uno


[引用][C] Pengukuran Tingkat Kebisingan Ruang Kerja Pandai Besi Pada UD. Rezeki Mulya Di Desa Suger Kidul Menggunakan Aplikasi Sound Level Meter Berbasis …