Fracton phases constitute a new class of quantum state of matter. They are characterized by excitations that exhibit restricted mobility, being either immobile under local Hamiltonian …
We introduce new classes of hydrodynamic theories inspired by the recently discovered fracton phases of quantum matter. Fracton phases are characterized by elementary …
Motivated by recent studies of fractons, we demonstrate that elasticity theory of a two- dimensional quantum crystal is dual to a fracton tensor gauge theory, providing a concrete …
In this work, we introduce a new type of topological order that is protected by subsystem symmetries that act on lower-dimensional subsets of lattice many-body system, eg, along …
We study the spreading of initially local operators under unitary time evolution in a one- dimensional random quantum circuit model that is constrained to conserve a U (1) charge …
A powerful mechanism for constructing gauge theories is to start from a theory with a global symmetry, then apply the “gauge principle,” which demands that this symmetry hold locally …
Fracton models, a collection of exotic gapped lattice Hamiltonians recently discovered in three spatial dimensions, contain some “topological” features: They support fractional bulk …
Hydrodynamics is a universal effective theory that describes the thermalization of chaotic many-body systems, and depends only on the symmetries of the underlying theory. Although …
We present an effective field theory approach to the fracton phases. The approach is based on the notion of a multipole algebra. It is an extension of space (time) symmetries of a …