T Kelly, L Postle - Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2024 - Elsevier
We prove that if G is a graph and f (v)≤ 1/(d (v)+ 1/2) for each v∈ V (G), then either G has an independent set of size at least∑ v∈ V (G) f (v) or G contains a clique K such that∑ v∈ K f …
C Brause, S Ehard, D Rautenbach - Discrete Mathematics, 2019 - Elsevier
The famous lower bound α (G)≥∑ u∈ V (G) 1 d G (u)+ 1 on the independence number α (G) of a graph G due to Caro and Wei is known to be satisfied with equality if and only if the …
Many of the most celebrated and influential results in graph coloring, such as Brooks' Theorem and Vizing's Theorem, relate a graph's chromatic number to its clique number or …
We propose new bounds on the domination number and on the independence number of a graph and show that our bounds compare favorably to recent ones. Our bounds are …
We propose new bounds on the domination number and on the independence number of a graph and show that our bounds compare favorably to recent ones. Our bounds are …