Modular reconfigurable robotics

J Seo, J Paik, M Yim - Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and …, 2019 -
This article reviews the current state of the art in the development of modular reconfigurable
robot (MRR) systems and suggests promising future research directions. A wide variety of …

[HTML][HTML] Modular robotic systems: Methods and algorithms for abstraction, planning, control, and synchronization

H Ahmadzadeh, E Masehian - Artificial Intelligence, 2015 - Elsevier
While expected applications of Modular Robotic Systems (MRS) span various workspaces,
scales, and structures, practical implementations of such systems lag behind their potentials …

PolyBot: a modular reconfigurable robot

M Yim, DG Duff, KD Roufas - Proceedings 2000 ICRA …, 2000 -
Modular, self-reconfigurable robots show the promise of great versatility, robustness and low
cost. The paper presents examples and issues in realizing those promises. PolyBot is a …

The self-reconfiguring robotic molecule

K Kotay, D Rus, M Vona… - Proceedings. 1998 IEEE …, 1998 -
We discuss a robotic module called a molecule. Molecules can be the basis for building self-
reconfiguring robots. They support multiple modalities of locomotion and manipulation. We …

Useful metrics for modular robot motion planning

A Pamecha, I Ebert-Uphoff… - IEEE Transactions on …, 1997 -
In this paper the problem of dynamic self-reconfiguration of a class of modular robotic
systems referred to as metamorphic systems is examined. A metamorphic robotic system is a …

[图书][B] Locomotion with unit-modular reconfigurable robot

M Yim - 1995 -
A unit-modular robot is a robot that is composed of modules that are all identical. In this
thesis we study the design and control of unit-modular dynamically reconfigurable robots …

Modular robotic systems: Characteristics and applications

H Ahmadzadeh, E Masehian, M Asadpour - Journal of Intelligent & …, 2016 - Springer
Abstract Employing Modular Robotic Systems (MRS) in different application domains
confronts a large number of challenging problems in design, optimization, and planning, and …

Determining task optimal modular robot assembly configurations

IM Chen, JW Burdick - proceedings of 1995 IEEE International …, 1995 -
A" modular" robotic system consists of standardized joint and link units that can be
assembled into a number of different kinematic configurations. Given a predetermined set of …

Distributed control and coordination of autonomous agents in a dynamic, reconfigurable system

WM Shen, B Salemi, P Will - US Patent 6,636,781, 2003 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND Agents are Software entities. Many agents may run as processes in a single
computer. Agents may run in multi processors or in computers that are connected by a …

Effortless creation of safe robots from modules through self-programming and self-verification

M Althoff, A Giusti, SB Liu, A Pereira - Science Robotics, 2019 -
Industrial robots cannot be reconfigured to optimally fulfill a given task and often have to be
caged to guarantee human safety. Consequently, production processes are meticulously …