This volume contains the proceedings of the Workshop in Commutative Algebra, held at Salvador (Brazil) on August 8-17, 1988. A few invited papers were included which were not …
A Simis - Contemporary Mathematics, 2003 -
As a commutative algebraist one has time and again found oneself intrigued by the way in which differentials and derivations play their frequently unexpected act in ring and module …
Let A be a K-subalgebra of the polynomial ring S= K x_1, ..., x_d S= K x 1,…, xd of dimension d, generated by finitely many monomials of degree r. Then, the Gauss algebra G (A) G (A) of …
Given a standard graded polynomial ring R= k [x1,…, xn] over a field k of characteristic zero and a graded k-subalgebra A= k [f1,…, fm]⊂ R, one relates the module ΩA/k of Kähler k …
A Simis - Notas de conferências, Universidade do Porto, 2004 -
Estas notas constituem um roteiro para um ciclo de conferências proferidas no Departamento de Matemática da FCUP. Como tal, nao inclui as demonstraçoes da grande …
The representation theory of finite groups is now more than 100 years old. Its foundations were laid down by Frobenius, Burnside, Schur and, later, Brauer. It was Frobenius and …
A álgebra de Gauss associada à k-subálgebra de um anel polinomial k [t0;:::; td] gerado por um número finito de formas de mesmo grau corresponde ao anel de coordenadas …