A covariant holographic entanglement entropy proposal

VE Hubeny, M Rangamani… - Journal of High Energy …, 2007 - iopscience.iop.org
With an aim towards understanding the time-dependence of entanglement entropy in
generic quantum field theories, we propose a covariant generalization of the holographic …

Supersymmetric solitons in gauged = 8 supergravity

A Anabalón, A Gallerati, S Ross, M Trigiante - Journal of High Energy …, 2023 - Springer
A bstract We consider soliton solutions in AdS 4 with a flat slicing and Wilson loops around
one cycle. We study the phase structure and find the ground state and identify …

The dS/CFT correspondence and the big smash

B McInnes - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2002 - iopscience.iop.org
Recent observations suggest that the cosmological equation-of-state parameter w is close to-
1. To say this is to imply that w could be slightly less than-1, which leads to R …

AdS bubbles, entropy and closed string tachyons

T Nishioka, T Takayanagi - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2007 - iopscience.iop.org
We study the conjectured connection between AdS bubbles (AdS solitons) and closed string
tachyon condensations. We confirm that the entanglement entropy, which measures the …

Stringy corrections to Kaehler potentials, SUSY breaking, and the cosmological constant problem

V Balasubramanian, P Berglund - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2005 - iopscience.iop.org
The moduli of N= 1 compactifications of IIB string theory can be stabilized by a combination
of fluxes (which freeze complex structure moduli and the dilaton) and nonperturbative …

Gravitational instability in higher dimensions

G Gibbons, SA Hartnoll - Physical Review D, 2002 - APS
We explore a classical instability of spacetimes of dimension D> 4. First, we consider static
solutions: generalized black holes and brane world metrics. The dangerous mode is a …

Complexity in de Sitter space

AP Reynolds, SF Ross - Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2017 - iopscience.iop.org
We consider the holographic complexity conjectures for de-Sitter invariant states in a
quantum field theory on de Sitter space, dual to asymptotically anti-de Sitter geometries with …

Time evolution in open string theory

A Sen - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2002 - iopscience.iop.org
We discuss a general iterative procedure for constructing time dependent solutions in open
string theory describing rolling of a generic tachyon field away from its maximum. These …

Nonperturbative instability of

GT Horowitz, J Orgera, J Polchinski - Physical Review D—Particles, Fields …, 2008 - APS
We study the anti–de Sitter/conformal field theory correspondence with boundary conditions
AdS 5× S 5/Z k, where the Z k acts freely but breaks all supersymmetry. While there are …

Nothing really matters

G Dibitetto, N Petri, M Schillo - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020 - Springer
We study non-perturbative instabilities of AdS spacetime in General Relativity with a
cosmological constant in arbitrary dimensions. In this simple setup we explicitly construct a …