Trichloroethene (TCE) bioremediation has been demonstrated at field sites using microbial cultures harboring TCE-respiring Dehalococcoides whose growth is cobalamin (vitamin …
Dehalococcoides mccartyi are obligate organohalide-respiring bacteria that play an important detoxifying role in the environment. They have small genomes (~ 1.4 Mb) with a …
This research investigated the potential of combining carboxymethyl cellulose coated sulfidated nano zerovalent iron (CMC-S-nZVI) and a reductive dechlorinating microbial …
A methanogenic benzene degrading enrichment culture in our laboratory harbours two poorly characterized organisms, Desulfobacterota (ORM2) and Ca. Nealsonbacteria. This …
Remediation of chlorinated ethenes can be challenging at complex contaminated sites with low permeability soils acting as secondary source zones due to back diffusion of adsorbed …
Chlorinated compounds, such as vinyl chloride (VC), are persistent, carcinogenic soil and groundwater contaminants. Organohalide-Respiring Bacteria (OHRB) are used for their …
Trichloroethene (TCE) is one of the most frequently found groundwater contaminants, thus remediating TCE-contaminated groundwater bodies is crucial in providing safe drinking …
Chapter 3 has been published as Rachel K. Dean, Cassidy R. Schneider, Haider S. Almnehlawi, Katherine S. Dawson, and Donna E. Fennell. 2020. 2, 3, 7, 8 …