Profil TPACK mahasiswa calon guru matematika dalam menyongsong pembelajaran abad 21

H Herizal, N Nuraina… - JISIP (Jurnal Ilmu …, 2022 -
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil Technological Pedagogical Content
Knowledge (TPACK) mahasiswa calon guru matematika Program Studi Pendidikan …

Level of visual geometry skill towards learning style Kolb in junior high school

A Anwar, T Turmudi, D Juandi… - Jurnal …, 2023 -
This study aims to conduct an in-depth analysis of the visual thinking level of junior high
school students with the learning style of assimilators, converges, accommodators, and …

Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan

AKMDM Soal, SKH Basuki - 2021 -
The purpose of this study was to determine the location and description of errors that are
often made by students in working on Stoichiometric questions. This type of research is …

Analisis Kesalahan Mahasiswa Dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Ikatan Kimia

M Mellyzar, A Muliaman - Lantanida Journal, 2020 -
Chemical bonding is an important topic in chemistry. The chemistry students have to expert
on the topic. Due to the importance of chemical bonding topic, qualitative descriptive …

Pre-service teachers' belief to achieve scientific literacy

M Mellyzar, H Herizal, N Novita - AIP Conference Proceedings, 2022 -
A belief in own ability to success in achieving a tas-is called self-efficacy. This belief is
important as a basic to expert in many abilities including scientific literacy ability. As pre …

Pengaruh kemampuan memahami bukti matematis terhadap kemampuan mengonstruksi bukti matematis pada topik trigonometri

H Herizal, S Suhendra… - Suska Journal of …, 2020 -
Kemampuan pembuktian matematis merupakan bagian dari kemampuan penalaran
matematis. Salah satu tujuan pembelajaran matematika di Indonesia adalah untuk …

Characteristics of pre-service mathematics teacher when solving convergent sequence problems

S Rochaminah - Beta: Jurnal Tadris Matematika, 2024 -
Abstract [English]: Convergent sequences pose a challenge for students to comprehend in
real analysis courses. Problem-solving based learning can serve as an alternative approach …

Pengembangan Buku Matematika SMP Kelas VIII Berbasis Etnomatematika Terintegrasi Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis

I Muhammad, M Marhami… - … Jurnal Program Studi …, 2023 -
Kemampuan konumikasi matematis menjadi hal penting yang harus dimiliki oleh siswa
karena merupakan kemampuan yang mampu mengkaitkan materi yang absrak dengan …

The ability of students' mathematical proof in an introduction to group theory in terms of gender differences

S Sutiarso - Jurnal Pendidikan MIPA, 2019 -
Mathematical proof is one of the mathematical abilities that is very important for students.
Until now, most students had difficulty in mathematical proof. The difficulty of this …

Proses sistematisasi dalam pembuktian matematika

YM Cholily, SK Sulfiah… - … : Jurnal Matematika Dan …, 2020 -
Mahasiswa sebagai calon guru harus memiliki kemampuan dalam melakukan pembuktian
matematis. Kemampuan tersebut berfungsi untuk meyakinkan seseorang akan suatu rumus …