MP Prajapati, NB Yadav - … Conference on Research and Innovations in …, 2017 -
Abstract At present in Indian Construction, large number of construction projects is delayed by many reasons one of them is 'improper planning and scheduling'and 'resources …
JPR Fernández, NV Gascueña, MÁL Guerrero… - Anales de …, 2020 -
Resumen¿ Se puede aprender de la experiencia? Un empirista afirmaría que todo el conocimiento humano se deriva de ella. En el presente artículo se analiza el nivel de …
V Deac, M Vrîncut, B Brânzas - Calitatea, 2012 -
Prezentul articol exploreazã în detaliu metoda lanþului critic, precum ºi modul în care aceastã metodã influenþeazã durata totalã de realizare a unui proiect. Estimarea corectã a …
V Deac, M Vrîncut, B Brânzas - Quality-Access to Success, 2012 -
The present article explores in detail the Critical Chain planning method and the way it affects the total duration of a project. Accurate estimation of tasks duration is one of the main …
V Deac, M Vrîncut, B Brânzaş - Quality-Access to Success, 2012 -
This article explores in detail the phenomena that consume safety time which project teams assign to their tasks, phenomena we just mentioned in the previous article. A detailed …
V Deac, M Vrîncuþ, B Brânza - Calitatea, 2012 -
Prezentul articol exploreazã în detaliu fenomenele care consumã timpii de siguranþã pe care echipele de proiect ºi-i alocã, fenomene discutate superficial în articolul anterior …
ABSTRACT Developed by Eliyahu M. Goldratt, Critical Chain Project Management is based on methods and algorithms derived from his Theory of Constraints. The idea of CCPM was …
K Ananthanarayanan… - International conference on …, 2011 -
Today's highly competitive construction scenario forces all the major players in the field to take up multiple projects which have put an undue pressure on the resources available …