Determinants of Profitability of Agricultural Sector in Vojvodina: The Role of Corporate Income Tax

SŽ Vržina, MS Dimitrijević - The European Journal of Applied …, 2020 -
Due to considerable share in total employment and foreign trade exchange, agriculture
represents important sector of the Serbian economy. Therefore, it is necessary to …

Bankruptcy prediction models in the Serbian agricultural sector

D Rajin, D Milenković, T Radojević - Економика пољопривреде, 2016 -
The aim of this paper is to present different models for predicting the possibility of opening
bankruptcy proceedings in companies in Serbia, as well as to research which models are …

Analysis of the market concentration of agricultural enterprises in AP Vojvodina

M Pjanić, B Vuković, K Mijić - Strategic Management-International …, 2018 -
Increased concentration on the market often leads to a limitation of the market share of other
market participants, with the increase in market share being mostly accompanied by growth …

Analysis of the liquidity of agricultural companies of AP Vojvodina

B Vuković, M Pjanić, B Kalaš - Anali Ekonomskog fakulteta u …, 2018 -
Modern business conditions are characterized by corporate governance that imposes the
need for constant growth and development of the company. In such circumstances, it is …

Finansijska analiza položaja preduzeća iz poljoprivrednog sektora Republike Srpske

T Stojanović, S Stojanović - Agro-Knowledge Journal, 2015 -
Ovaj rad se bavi ocjenom finansijskog položaja preduzeća iz poljoprivrednog sektora
Republike Srpske polazeći od najznačajnijih parametara finansijskog položaja-finansijske …

Uticaj veličine preduzeća na profitabilnost poljoprivrednih preduzeća u Republici Srbiji

SM Tomašević, ZD Jović… - Journal of Agricultural …, 2019 -
Veličina preduzeća je jedna od najbitnih determinanti profitabilnosti preduzeća. Pojedini
domaći i brojni inostrani autori su pokušali da ukažu na uticaj koji veličina preduzeća ima na …

Determinante profitabilnosti poljoprivrednih preduzeća u Republici Srbiji

S Tomašević - Универзитет Сингидунум, 2020 -
Predmet istraživanja ove disertacije je analiza profitabilnosti, identifikovanje osnovnih
determinanti profitabilnosti i uticaja tih determinanti na profitabilnost poljoprivrednih …

Analiza bilansa stanja u funkciji strategijskog odlučivanja

L Ševkušić - Ekonomski izazovi, 2018 -
The modern way of doing business is characterized because increasing the business
opportunities for enterprise development but increasing the risk of business failure. The …

The impact of enterprise size on the profitability of agricultural enterprises in the Republic of Serbia

SM Tomašević, ZD Jović… - Journal of Agricultural …, 2019 -
The size of the enterprise is one of the most important determinants of the profitability of the
enterprise. Some domestic and numerous foreign authors have tried to point out the impact …

The importance of cash flow analysis

L Ševkušić, R Bodiroga - Trendovi u poslovanju, 2022 -
For the economy of the Republic of Serbia, agriculture is a very relevant branch. Its
significance and its place is reflected in the fact that in the creation of GDP it participates with …