BS ISKANDAR, B IRAWAN… - Biodiversitas …, 2023 -
Abstract Sundanese people in West Java have been known for their tradition of consuming various vegetable plants (Lalab). This study aims to elucidate the Traditional Ecological …
N Septiani, D Hernawati, RR Putra - Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan …, 2020 -
Kampung Naga is a traditional village or ethnic in Tasikmalaya, Indonesia with a wealth of biodiversity. This ethnic group, with local knowledge, always involves natural richness in …
AbstrakPemanfaatan pucuk daun mangga (Mangifera indica L.) oleh masyarakat menjadi lalapan dan dipercaya berkhasiat sebagai obat tradisional. Hal ini merupakan suatu proses …
Indonesia has various tribes or ethnicities scattered in various islands. These tribes have a wealth of knowledge, and local wisdom as a hereditary tradition that are useful for the …
Raw-consumed vegetables, known as lalapan, is famous among Sundanese community in West Java because of their heath benefits. In the present study, nine selected raw …
Sambal is a processed chili paste with a spicy taste. The history of sambal begins with the arrival of chili seeds brought by the Portuguese in the 16 th century, which was like a cultural …
Lalapan, a typical Sundanese side dish, has cultural significance and high nutritional value for its people. The purpose of the study was to gain insight into how Sundanese people …
Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk mengintroduksi etnobotani meramban di Desa Sukahurip Kabupaten Ciamis sebagai upaya pemanfaatan pangan lokal berdaya …
Pemanfaatan tumbuhan oleh manusia telah dilakukan sejak lama dan pengetahuan tentang cara memanfaatkan serta pengolahannya dilakukan secara turun temurun. Pemanfaatan …