ND Varamashvili, DV Tefnadze… - Journals of Georgian …, 2019 - openjournals.ge
In this paper we are presented brief overview of the project" Evaluation of seismic hazard for Georgia and Electrical exploration is a large group of geophysical methods that study …
Acoustic radiation can be initiated during various processes (landslides, mudslides, avalanches,...). By recording and analyzing the acoustic waves that have arisen in the …
ND Varamashvili, BZ Asanidze… - Journals of Georgian …, 2020 - openjournals.ge
The purpose of these research was to study the current state of the Tsageri catchment by geophysical methods. One such method is the ultrasound method. This method can …
Too high a level of groundwater, especially stagnant, is detrimental to all species of fruit trees and many berries. An excess of soil moisture worsens air exchange processes in the …
The vertical electrical sensing method is effectively used by studying landslides. The georadiolocation method is also a powerful tool for studying structure and watering at …
ND Varamashvili, AG Tarkhan-Mouravi… - Journals of Georgian …, 2021 - ggs.openjournals.ge
Different prospecting methods are used in geophysics. The electrical method of prospecting is one of the major fields of applied geophysics. Electrical methods can be divided into two …
The several geohazards, the costs for supporting personnel for long periods at potential mass movement sites, the growing number of exposed vulnerable objects and the limited …
The subject of our research was to study the current state of the Tsageri catchment, using georadiolocation and ultrasound methods. Georadar Zond 12e was used in the research …
B Dvali, G Chikadze, T Qajaia, N Varamashvili - academia.edu
Electrical exploration is a large group of geophysical methods that study electromagnetic fields of various nature. The purpose of these studies is to determine the electromagnetic …