Conceptualisation together with categorisations and classifications of concepts represent human universals. Humans categorise and classify reality into intelligible systems–from this …
MC Olmstead, VA Kuhlmeier - The Routledge international …, 2022 -
Comparative cognition is built on the assumption that the representation, organization, and processing of mental activity is shaped by natural selection. The field emerged as an …
Physical cognition involves a host of cognitive abilities that enable understanding and manipulation of the physical world. Corvids, the bird family that includes crows, ravens and …
K REIMER-GORDINSKAYA - Partizipation und politische …, 2023 -
Als die frühe Bildung im Jahr 2007 unter der damaligen Bundesfamilienministerin Ursula von der Leyen als Handlungsfeld ins Bundesprogramm für Vielfalt und Toleranz einbezogen …
Generally speaking, then, until recently the study of animal cognition evidenced a different conclusion compared to the human literature regarding the presence of an overriding …
José Hernández-Orallo DSIC, Universitat Polit`ecnica de Val`encia∗ March 15th, 2018 Page 1 IG José Hernández-Orallo DSIC, Universitat …
Physical cognition involves a host of cognitive abilities that enable understanding and manipulation of the physical world. Corvids, the bird family that includes crows, ravens and …