The purpose of this study is to control the quality control of the guidance of the students, to minimize the quality control management barrier in the field of student guidance, and to …
SN Faizzah, S Sutarni - Jurnal Cendekia: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 2023 -
Masih banyak ditemukan siswa yang kesulitan dalam menyelesaikan masalah HOTS, padahal masalah tersebut banyak digunakan sebagai asesmen untuk mengukur …
Everyone has made errors, but only wise people learn from their errors. This study aims to analyze the student errors in solving non-routine questions. The error analysis theory …
N Elisa, R Rahmawati, P Putra - Research of Islamic Economics, 2024 -
The increasingly diverse needs of society have made financing the most popular banking service product. KPR products certainly require a marketing strategy. One of the interesting …
Manajemen Humas merupakan suatu proses mengatur segala sesuatu dengan melakukan suatu perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi yang berhubungan dengan masyarakat …
A Makruf, SU Suad, S Jakkrapan - Asian Pendidikan, 2021 -
The purpose of this study was to analyze the magnitude of the influence of School Committee's, the Principal's Performance and the influence of School Committee's Role …
Z Masanyiwa, B Magaria, N Shauri - Rural Planning Journal, 2023 -
School committees hold a central role in decision making on various issues about the development and delivery of primary education, including the monitoring of school projects …
İ İçer - Milli Eğitim Dergisi, 2024 -
Okul örgütlerinde güçlenme temelli okul sosyal hizmeti uygulamaları, okul örgütlerinde güç türleri, güç uygulamaları, güç dinamikleri, güç oyunları ve bununla mücadele biçimlerini …
AA Muslimin, M Sijal - Istiqra: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pemikiran …, 2020 -
Agama adalah sebuah keyakinan dan tuntunan manusia dalam menjalani fitrahnya sebagai manusia di bumi ini, dan bagi yang meyakini maka ia beragama dengan konstruksi sosial …