Fractal properties, information theory, and market efficiency

X Brouty, M Garcin - Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2024 - Elsevier
Considering that both the entropy-based market information and the Hurst exponent are
useful tools for determining whether the efficient market hypothesis holds for a given asset …

Characterizing complexity and self-similarity based on fractal and entropy analyses for stock market forecast modelling

Y Karaca, YD Zhang, K Muhammad - Expert Systems with Applications, 2020 - Elsevier
Complex systems constitute components that interact with one another and involve
phenomena which are not always easy to understand in terms of their components and …

Using technological entropy to identify technology life cycle

D Lin, W Liu, Y Guo, M Meyer - Journal of Informetrics, 2021 - Elsevier
Identification of technology life cycles (TLC) provides a crucial basis for managing national
policy, regional planning, and enterprise investment. Thus, it is a significant challenge to …

Oil and foreign exchange market tail dependence and risk spillovers for MENA, emerging and developed countries: VMD decomposition based copulas

W Mensi, S Hammoudeh, SJH Shahzad… - Energy …, 2017 - Elsevier
This paper examines the short-and medium run dependence structures between oil and
currency markets for MENA, other developing and developed countries, using a novel …

A statistical test of market efficiency based on information theory

X Brouty, M Garcin - Quantitative finance, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
We determine the amount of information contained in a time series of price returns at a given
time scale, by using a widespread tool of the information theory, namely the Shannon …

Nonlinear dynamics of equity, currency and commodity markets in the aftermath of the global financial crisis

S Lahmiri, GS Uddin, S Bekiros - Chaos, solitons & fractals, 2017 - Elsevier
We attempt to quantify the intrinsic nonlinear dynamics of thirty international financial
markets. Fractality, chaoticity and randomness are explored during and after the recent …

[PDF][PDF] Evaluation of Shareholders' Overreaction and its Comparison in Small Ad Large Companies (Case Study: Accepted Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange)

G Golarzi, K Danayi - Journal of Financial Management Perspective, 2019 -
Portfolio selection is one of the most concerns of any investor and the goal is to distribute the
capital in different assets in such a way that it has the highest rate of return with considering …

Multi-fluctuation nonlinear patterns of European financial markets based on adaptive filtering with application to family business, green, Islamic, common stocks, and …

S Lahmiri, S Bekiros, F Bezzina - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its …, 2020 - Elsevier
This paper investigates power-law correlations, chaos, and randomness in prices of family
business, green (low Carbon), Islamic (Shariah), and common stock indices from the …

Exchange rate regimes and price efficiency: Empirical examination of the impact of financial crisis

N Diniz-Maganini, AA Rasheed, HH Sheng - Journal of International …, 2021 - Elsevier
We analyze how different currency regimes influence the price efficiency of exchange rates.
Based on an analysis of a sample of 20 exchange rates (covering 39 countries) over a 15 …

[PDF][PDF] Управление устойчивым развитием промышленных экосистем в условиях технологических трансформаций

ОВ Дударева - Курск: ЗАО «Университетская книга, 2023 -
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