Marchenko redatuming is a revolutionary technique to estimate Green's functions from virtual sources in the subsurface using only data measured at the earth's surface, without …
State-of-the-art methods to image the earth's subsurface using active-source seismic reflection data involve reverse time migration. This and other standard seismic processing …
Ocean-bottom seismic plays a crucial role in resource exploration and monitoring. However, despite their undoubted potential, the use of coarse receiver geometries poses challenges …
Marchenko focusing and imaging are novel methods for correctly handling multiple scattered energy while processing seismic data. However, strict requirements in the …
The goal of Marchenko redatuming is to reconstruct, from single-sided reflection data, wavefields at virtual subsurface locations containing transmitted and reflected primaries and …
A novel application of seismic interferometry (SI) and Marchenko imaging using both surface and borehole data is presented. A series of redatuming schemes is proposed to combine …
Marchenko redatuming is a powerful technique that allows retrieving Green's functions for virtual receivers in the subsurface by calculating so-called focusing functions. One required …
The objective of prestack depth migration is to position reflectors at their correct subsurface locations. However, migration methods often also generate artifacts along with physical …
Seismic methods are used in a wide variety of contexts to investigate subsurface Earth structures, and to explore and monitor resources and waste-storage reservoirs in the …