Quite unexpectedly, the figure of utopia has reappeared across the arts in the past few years, often alongside a renewed sense of empathy, reinvigorated constructive …
With its twisty serialized plots, compelling antiheroes, and stylish production, Breaking Bad has become a signature series for a new golden age of television, in which some premium …
This book looks again at the filmic and televised spaces we think we know so well. How are these spaces built up? What is it that makes us recognize them as suburbs? How do they …
A Davison - Music, Sound, and the Moving Image, 2014 - liverpooluniversitypress.co.uk
End-credit sequences have received little scholarly attention, and yet since The Sopranos (1997-2006), at least, there has been a concerted effort on the part of certain shows' …
T Vermeulen, J Whitfield - Television Aesthetics and Style, 2013 - torrossa.com
Television–as a piece of technology, as a medium, as an art form–has undergone dramatic changes over the past few years. There have been significant shifts in the ways in which …
K Fahlenbrach - montage AV. Zeitschrift für Theorie und Geschichte …, 2018 - mediarep.org
Aktuell erleben wir eine Konjunktur seriellen Erzählens, zu der jüngst besonders Streaming- Plattformen beigetragen haben. Um diese langlaufenden Serien von anderen Serien …
В этой книге, ставшей одним из самых заметных явлений в философии XXI века, дается радикальное описание ключевых явлений в сфере культуры и искусства. Они …
Intertextualität ist bislang in der Filmtheorie explizit wenig bearbeitet worden, kann jedoch auf verschiedene filmische Formate wie Romanadaptionen, Remakes und Filmserien wie …
S Shimpach - Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
Having ceased production in 2015, Mad Men is history. It remains, however, an apt example of the ways in which television has lately been offering a great deal of history through its …