The potential of Cocos nucifera (CJ)-tin functionalized oxide prepared in sulphate bath on zinc based electrolyte was examined in an attempt to improve the structural behaviour and …
The incorporation of composite and eco-friendly particles or fluids to develop new engineering materials has recently changed the coating world. In this study, a Zn-TiO2-TiB2 …
The effect of sustainable degradable eco-friendly extract juice on the precipitation and re- enforcement of Zn-SnO2 alloy matrix with the aim of producing an eco-friendly composite …
This study focused on the influence of composite materials on electrodeposition process. The exploit of composite materials due to their exceptional characteristics such as, aesthetic …
In this study, the effect of the incorporation of composite and eco-friendly particles to develop new engineering materials on the developed zinc electrolyte containing TiO 2/TiB and …