First-Order Theorem Proving and Vampire

L Kovács, A Voronkov - International Conference on Computer Aided …, 2013 - Springer
In this paper we give a short introduction in first-order theorem proving and the use of the
theorem prover Vampire. We discuss the superposition calculus and explain the key …

[图书][B] Handbook of knowledge representation

F Van Harmelen, V Lifschitz, B Porter - 2008 -
Handbook of Knowledge Representation describes the essential foundations of Knowledge
Representation, which lies at the core of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The book provides an up …

[图书][B] Handbook of automated reasoning

AJA Robinson, A Voronkov - 2001 -
Automated reasoning has matured into one of the most advanced areas of computer
science. During the half-century since the pioneering publications of the 1950s, significant …

SPIRAL: Code generation for DSP transforms

M Puschel, JMF Moura, JR Johnson… - Proceedings of the …, 2005 -
Fast changing, increasingly complex, and diverse computing platforms pose central
problems in scientific computing: How to achieve, with reasonable effort, portable optimal …

Recovering documentation-to-source-code traceability links using latent semantic indexing

A Marcus, JI Maletic - 25th International Conference on …, 2003 -
An information retrieval technique, latent semantic indexing, is used to automatically identify
traceability links from system documentation to program source code. The results of two …

[PDF][PDF] Unification theory

F Baader, W Snyder - Handbook of automated reasoning, 2001 -
Unification is a fundamental process upon which many methods for automated deduction
are based. Unification theory abstracts from the specific applications of this process: it …

The design and implementation of VAMPIRE

A Riazanov, A Voronkov - AI communications, 2002 -
In this article we describe VAMPIRE: a high‐performance theorem prover for first‐order
logic. As our description is mostly targeted to the developers of such systems and specialists …

Automated verification of selected equivalences for security protocols

B Blanchet, M Abadi, C Fournet - The Journal of Logic and Algebraic …, 2008 - Elsevier
In the analysis of security protocols, methods and tools for reasoning about protocol
behaviors have been quite effective. We aim to expand the scope of those methods and …

SPIRAL: Extreme performance portability

F Franchetti, TM Low, DT Popovici… - Proceedings of the …, 2018 -
In this paper, we address the question of how to automatically map computational kernels to
highly efficient code for a wide range of computing platforms and establish the correctness of …

Knowledge representation and classical logic

V Lifschitz, L Morgenstern, D Plaisted - Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, 2008 - Elsevier
Publisher Summary Mathematical logicians had developed the art of formalizing declarative
knowledge long before the advent of the computer age. But they were interested primarily in …