I IBRAHIM - SOCIAL: Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan IPS, 2023 - jurnalp4i.com
This study aims to see how far the effect of applying the case study method is in creating learning effectiveness, especially in the State and Regional Financial Administration …
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelesaikan masalah kurangnya bahan ajar dengan mengembangkan bahan ajar yang telah ada, mengetahui kelayakan bahan ajar yang …
LA Widiandari, IW Redhana - Journal of Physics: Conference …, 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
Chemistry learning that has been going on all this time is still monotonous, where the teacher explains the materials which are then followed by giving assignments. This learning …
Since the covid outbreak, online learning has been widely implemented and comprehensively applied. Problems with student participation in the teaching and learning …
Virus merupakan salah satu materi yang dipelajari dalam pembelajaran biologi di kelas X SMA. Berdasarkan data analisis kebutuhan, materi virus termasuk ke dalam salah satu …
LA Widiandari, IW Redhana… - J Phys Conf Ser …, 2020 - researchgate.net
This study aimed to describe the characteristics, validity, practicality, and effectiveness of case study based chemistry learning books. This type of research is research and …