[图书][B] Pembedahan Tulang Belakang adalah Selamat dan Berkesan: Realiti atau Persepsi

MI YUSOF - 2020 - books.google.com
Sememangnya menjalani pembedahan tulang belakang adalah suatu pengalaman yang
sukar dalam hidup seseorang. Ramai pesakit yang belum melalui pengalaman ini merasa …

A Study of Bone Thickness Measurement by Using Infrared Sensor for Pedicle Screw Insertion

MKA Hassan, K Nagamune, K Kakutani… - … on Systems, Man …, 2013 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Pedicle Screw was used for spinal fixation since 1944 by King. There are several techniques
were used for pedicle screw placement purpose. The common technique used by the …

Wavelet decomposition processing method: Cortical bone thickness measurement using ultrasound sensor

MKA Hassan, K Nagamune, K Kakutani… - … on Systems, Man …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Wavelet analysis has been successfully applied in many applications such as image
processing, communication and signal processing. Moreover, the wavelet theory covers …