The efficiency of the future devices for quantum information processing is limited mostly by the finite decoherence rates of the individual qubits and quantum gates. Recently …
JQ You, F Nori - Physics today, 2005 -
Superconducting circuits can behave like atoms making transitions between two levels. Such circuits can test quantum mechanics at macroscopic scales and be used to conduct …
AB Henson, S Gersten, Y Shagam, J Narevicius… - Science, 2012 -
Experiments have lagged theory in exploring chemical interactions at temperatures so low that translational degrees of freedom can no longer be treated classically. The difficulty has …
We theoretically investigate the influence of designed pulse sequences in restoring quantum coherence lost due to background noise in superconducting qubits. We consider both 1/f …
A qubit subjected to pure dephasing due to classical Gaussian noise can be turned into a spectrometer of this noise by utilizing its readout under properly chosen dynamical …
GJ Grabovskij, T Peichl, J Lisenfeld, G Weiss… - Science, 2012 -
In structurally disordered solids, some atoms or small groups of atoms are able to quantum mechanically tunnel between two nearly equivalent sites. These atomic tunneling systems …
J Bergli, YM Galperin, BL Altshuler - New Journal of Physics, 2009 -
The efficiency of the future devices for quantum information processing will be limited mostly by the finite decoherence rates of the qubits. Recently, substantial progress was achieved in …
Recent progress with microfabricated quantum devices has revealed that an ubiquitous source of noise originates in tunneling material defects that give rise to a sparse bath of …
R McDermott - IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2009 -
Superconducting integrated circuits incorporating Josephson junctions are an attractive candidate for scalable quantum information processing in the solid state. The strong …