The determinants of university dropout: A review of the socio-economic literature

C Aina, E Baici, G Casalone, F Pastore - Socio-Economic Planning …, 2022 - Elsevier
This article provides a comprehensive review of the socio-economic literature on the student
determinants of tertiary education dropout, in order to help research scholars better …

Challenges and opportunities for improving community college student success

S Goldrick-Rab - Review of educational research, 2010 -
Many of the democratizing opportunities provided by community colleges are diminished in
the eyes of policy makers by inadequate rates of success. In particular, large proportions of …

[图书][B] Redesigning America's community colleges: A clearer path to student success

TR Bailey, SS Jaggars, D Jenkins - 2015 -
2 redesigning america's community colleges tion efforts such as the US Department of
Education's College Navigator website, which allows students and parents to compare …

[图书][B] At a crossroads: higher education in Latin America and the Caribbean

MM Ferreyra, C Avitabile, FH Paz - 2017 -
" Higher education in Latin America and the Caribbean has expanded dramatically in the
past 15 years, as the average gross enrollment rate has more than doubled, and many new …

The case against education: Why the education system is a waste of time and money

B Caplan - 2019 -
When I started writing this book, I knew I'd need to read piles of research but failed to foresee
the enormity of the piles. Education isn't just a major industry; it inspires researchers' …

Improving college access in the United States: Barriers and policy responses

LC Page, J Scott-Clayton - Economics of Education Review, 2016 - Elsevier
Socioeconomic gaps in college enrollment and attainment have widened over time, despite
increasing returns to postsecondary education and significant policy efforts to improve …

A crisis in student loans?: How changes in the characteristics of borrowers and in the institutions they attended contributed to rising loan defaults

A Looney, C Yannelis - Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2015 -
This paper examines the rise in student loan default and delinquency. It draws on a unique
set of administrative data on federal student borrowing matched to earnings records from de …

Separate & unequal: How higher education reinforces the intergenerational reproduction of white racial privilege

AP Carnevale, J Strohl - 2013 -
The American postsecondary system is a dual system of racially separate and unequal
institutions despite the growing access of minorities to the postsecondary system. Affluent …

[图书][B] Academically adrift: Limited learning on college campuses

R Arum, J Roksa - 2011 -
In spite of soaring tuition costs, more and more students go to college every year. A
bachelor's degree is now required for entry into a growing number of professions. And some …

Mental health and academic attitudes and expectations in university populations: results from the healthy minds study

SK Lipson, D Eisenberg - Journal of Mental Health, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
Background: Mental health problems are highly prevalent in university populations and have
been shown to impair academic performance. Yet little is known about the ways in which …