Over the last decade impressive progress has been made in the theoretical understanding of transport properties of clean, one-dimensional quantum lattice systems. Many physically …
What happens in an isolated quantum system when both disorder and interactions are present? Over the recent years, the picture of a non-thermalizing phase of matter, the many …
Random quantum circuits yield minimally structured models for chaotic quantum dynamics, which are able to capture, for example, universal properties of entanglement growth. We …
Starting from a state of low quantum entanglement, local unitary time evolution increases the entanglement of a quantum many-body system. In contrast, local projective measurements …
Unitary circuits subject to repeated projective measurements can undergo an entanglement phase transition (EPT) as a function of the measurement rate. This transition is generally …
A key step toward demonstrating a quantum system that can address difficult problems in physics and chemistry will be performing a computation beyond the capabilities of any …
Characterizing how entanglement grows with time in a many-body system, for example, after a quantum quench, is a key problem in nonequilibrium quantum physics. We study this …
We show how a finite number of conservation laws can globally “shatter” Hilbert space into exponentially many dynamically disconnected subsectors, leading to an unexpected …
We solve a minimal model for an ergodic phase in a spatially extended quantum many-body system. The model consists of a chain of sites with nearest-neighbor coupling under Floquet …