Studies of climate change impacts on agriculture are always used by the policy makers to plan their future policies. The European Union increased the efforts to measure the impact of …
The land use sector offers government the means to contribute to the achievement of climate change mitigation targets. The aim of this study was to identify the most important policy …
The sustainable intensification of farming systems is expected to increase food supply and reduce the negative environmental effects of agriculture. It is also seen as an effective …
H Mäkinen - Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 2017 -
Climate change has brought considerable uncertainty to human activities. The sensitivity of agriculture to change in climate is widely recognized. Climate variability has occurred …
Monet karjatilat korjaavat nurmisadon kolmesti kasvukauden aikana. Tätä puoltaa pidentynyt kasvukausi sekä tarve alentaa säilörehuntuotannon kustannuksia. Suomessa …