Offers an explanation for a long-standing question in the typological distinction among languages with respect to formation of interrogatives which use questions words such as" …
University' Micrdnlms International Page 1 INFORMATION TO USERS This reproduction was made from a copy of a document sent to us for microfilming. While the most advanced …
The primary proposal of this thesis that in questions, a" Q morpheme must undergo syntactic movement from a clause-internal position to a clause-peripheral position. Throughout this …
In the past few decades, the development of theoretical linguistics has proved to be successful in shedding light on the intricate nature of language and knowledge of grammar …
A Watanabe - Journal of east Asian linguistics, 1992 - Springer
This paper argues that wh-in-situ in Japanese in fact involves S-structure movement of an invisible entity and therefore that the Subjacency effects discovered and used as evidence …
Directionality and Logical Form provides a detailed treatment of the syntax of focusing particles, such as only and even in a cross-linguistic perspective. The derivation of logical …
H Ko - Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, 2005 - Springer
This paper proposes that 'why'in wh-in-situ languages (Korean, Japanese, and Chinese) is directly merged into [Spec, CP] of the clause it modifies. This proposal not only captures long …
J Shimoyama - Natural Language Semantics, 2006 - Springer
This paper examines the question of how so-called indeterminate phrases in Japanese (Kuroda 1965) associate with relevant particles higher in the structure. In the universal …
A logicosemantic analysis of certain kinds of wh-clauses is developed, on which wh-phrases translate as open sentences, that is, as expressions of the semantically interpreted …