Method. To pursue this aim, a qualitative method was used, consisting of semi-structured interviews with archivists from seven different public universities in Sweden, with three larger …
Preservation and archiving of research data has been a topical issue since the 1960-and 70s in Sweden. From having been the property of the individual researcher, research data …
M Jansson, K Meyer Lundén - 2020 -
Den här rapporten är framtagen av Forskningsdatasupporten (Research Data Support, RDS) vid Högskolan i Gävle. Rapporten redovisar resultatet av en enkät bland forskande …
KC Rydving - Nordic Journal of Information Literacy in Higher …, 2020 -
This article presents data collected from a survey among the library directors of the 32 members of the UHR Library. The survey found that most academic libraries are currently …