B Zaidi, SP Morgan - Annual review of sociology, 2017 - annualreviews.org
References to the second demographic transition (SDT) have increased dramatically in the past two decades. The SDT predicts unilinear change toward very low fertility and a diversity …
Research on precarious work and its consequences overwhelmingly focuses on the economic dimension of precarity, epitomized by low wages. But the rise in precarious work …
The relationship between employment instability and fertility is a major topic in demographic research, with a proliferation of published papers on this matter, especially since the Great …
Résumé Cet article présente un aperçu des recherches dans le domaine de la fécondité réalisées dans les sociétés dites avancées, c'est-à-dire les sociétés dans lesquelles le …
This article had four goals. First, the authors identified a set of general challenges and questions that a life-span theory of development should address. Second, they presented a …
Current levels of youth unemployment need to be understood in the context of increased labor market flexibility, an expansion of higher education, youth migration, and family …
In der ersten Auflage–einem kleinen roten Büchlein–stand schon damals–gut recherchiert, systematisiert und verständlich geschrieben–alles drin, was es Wissenswertes über die …
Recent theories about social and demographic change, such as individualization and the Second Demographic Transition, embed the notion of a convergence towards a specific …
MC Buchmann, I Kriesi - Annual review of sociology, 2011 - annualreviews.org
This article reviews the similarities and differences in the transition to adulthood in Europe. Recent change and the still striking diversity in pathways to adulthood in Europe have …