ВИ Ляшенко - Маркшейдерия и недропользование, 2020 - elibrary.ru
The article describes the main scientific and practical results of improvement of methods of ore deposits preparedness management for underground chamber or slicing mining of …
ВИ Ляшенко - Маркшейдерия и недропользование, 2019 - elibrary.ru
The article describes the main scientific and practical results of preparedness management theory and practices for ore reserves during underground mining of fields with complex …
ВИ Ляшенко - Маркшейдерия и недропользование, 2021 - elibrary.ru
The article presents the main scientific and practical results of substantiating the reserve of preparedness of ore and metal reserves in it for excavation in a chamber mining system with …
Т Калыбеков, СТ Солтабаева… - Маркшейдерия и …, 2019 - elibrary.ru
It is proposed to use the advanced experience of ore mining from extraction units at existing mines in the operation of deposits by underground method.