Quantum machine learning is a rapidly growing field at the intersection of quantum technology and artificial intelligence. This review provides a two-fold overview of several key …
This review aims at gathering the most relevant quantum multi-parameter estimation methods that go beyond the direct use of the quantum Fisher information concept. We …
AM Palmieri, E Kovlakov, F Bianchi, D Yudin… - npj Quantum …, 2020 - nature.com
Quantum tomography is currently ubiquitous for testing any implementation of a quantum information processing device. Various sophisticated procedures for state and process …
We introduce a new method called rejection filtering that we use to perform adaptive Bayesian phase estimation. Our approach has several advantages: it is classically efficient …
Over the past few years, machine learning has emerged as a powerful computational tool to tackle complex problems in a broad range of scientific disciplines. In particular, artificial …
Bayesian inference is a powerful paradigm for quantum state tomography, treating uncertainty in meaningful and informative ways. Yet the numerical challenges associated …
Quantum process tomography is a powerful tool for understanding quantum channels and characterizing the properties of quantum devices. Inspired by recent advances using …
M Guţă, J Kahn, R Kueng, JA Tropp - Journal of Physics A …, 2020 - iopscience.iop.org
Projected least squares is an intuitive and numerically cheap technique for quantum state tomography: compute the least-squares estimator and project it onto the space of states. The …
The exponential growth in Hilbert space with increasing size of a quantum system means that accurately characterizing the system becomes significantly harder with system …