The conceptual basis of water-energy-food nexus governance: systematic literature review using network and discourse analysis

AM Urbinatti, LL Benites-Lazaro… - Journal of Integrative …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
In the last decade, the debate on the governance of water, energy, and food (WEF) has
intensified, spurring the emergence of the term “nexus governance.” In general, the …

Environmental injustices on green and blue infrastructure: Urban nexus in a macrometropolitan territory

MH Amaral, LL Benites-Lazaro… - Journal of Cleaner …, 2021 - Elsevier
Green-blue infrastructure in urban regions guarantees the provision of resources such as
water, energy, and food, which are interdependent and fundamental in ensuring human …

The water-energy-food nexus research in the Brazilian context: What are we missing?

M Dalla Fontana, F de Araújo Moreira… - … Science & Policy, 2020 - Elsevier
The water-energy-food nexus has gained particular momentum in the fields of sustainable
development and resource security in the last years. However, some scholars critically …

Sustainability and governance of sugarcane ethanol companies in Brazil: Topic modeling analysis of CSR reporting

LL Benites-Lazaro, L Giatti, A Giarolla - Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018 - Elsevier
The current debate on corporate social responsibility was triggered by the understanding
that companies should be responsible for mitigating the impacts of their activities on the …

[PDF][PDF] O desafio da integração de políticas públicas para a adaptação às mudanças climáticas no semiárido brasileiro

C Milhorance, P Mendes, P Mesquita… - Revista Brasileira de …, 2019 -
O artigo discute os desafios das políticas públicas em promover a governança dos recursos
naturais na região do Submédio rio São Francisco, em particular as interações por vezes …

[HTML][HTML] Nexus of exclusion and challenges for sustainability and health in an urban periphery in Brazil

LL Giatti, AM Urbinatti, CM Carvalho… - Cadernos de saude …, 2019 - SciELO Brasil
A abordagem do nexo urbano corresponde à compreensão e à busca de soluções
integradas mediante o reconhecimento das interdependências entre água, energia e …

Systematic literature review of the water-energy-food nexus: An overview of the field

R Cáceres, A González, G Pereira… - 2020 IEEE Congreso …, 2020 -
Water, energy and food are vital resources for human well-being, poverty reduction, and
sustainable development. The study of each of the resources mentioned presents its own …

Shaping cities: A proposal for an integrative FEW nexus model

AP Clasen, F Agostinho, C Teodosiu… - … Science & Policy, 2022 - Elsevier
Advances to better understand the food, energy and water (FEW) nexus are still needed
since most available approaches are non-integrated, complex, and focused on large scale …

[HTML][HTML] Nexos de exclusão e desafios de sustentabilidade e saúde em uma periferia urbana no Brasil

LL Giatti, AM Urbinatti, CM Carvalho… - Cadernos de Saúde …, 2019 - SciELO Brasil
A abordagem do nexo urbano corresponde à compreensão e à busca de soluções
integradas mediante o reconhecimento das interdependências entre água, energia e …

Facing food security and climate change adaptation in semi-arid regions: lessons from the Brazilian Food Acquisition Program

P Mesquita, C Milhorance - Sustentabilidade em debate, 2019 -
Family farmers of semi-arid regions are especially vulnerable to climate change, due to the
reliance on rain-fed production systems and the limited capacity to cope with and adapt to …