A survey on machine learning in Internet of Things: Algorithms, strategies, and applications

S Messaoud, A Bradai, SHR Bukhari, PTA Quang… - Internet of Things, 2020 - Elsevier
In the IoT and WSN era, large number of connected objects and sensing devices are
dedicated to collect, transfer, and generate a huge amount of data for a wide variety of fields …

Position-transitional particle swarm optimization-incorporated latent factor analysis

X Luo, Y Yuan, S Chen, N Zeng… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
High-dimensional and sparse (HiDS) matrices are frequently found in various industrial
applications. A latent factor analysis (LFA) model is commonly adopted to extract useful …

Fast and accurate non-negative latent factor analysis of high-dimensional and sparse matrices in recommender systems

X Luo, Y Zhou, Z Liu, MC Zhou - IEEE Transactions on …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A fast non-negative latent factor (FNLF) model for a high-dimensional and sparse (HiDS)
matrix adopts a Single Latent Factor-dependent, Non-negative, Multiplicative and …

A survey of machine learning techniques for indoor localization and navigation systems

P Roy, C Chowdhury - Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 2021 - Springer
In the recent past, we have witnessed the adoption of different machine learning techniques
for indoor positioning applications using WiFi, Bluetooth and other technologies. The …

DNN-based indoor localization under limited dataset using GANs and semi-supervised learning

W Njima, A Bazzi, M Chafii - IEEE access, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Indoor localization techniques based on supervised learning deliver great performance
accuracy while maintaining low online complexity. However, such systems require massive …

An efficient non-negative matrix-factorization-based approach to collaborative filtering for recommender systems

X Luo, M Zhou, Y Xia, Q Zhu - IEEE Transactions on Industrial …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Matrix-factorization (MF)-based approaches prove to be highly accurate and scalable in
addressing collaborative filtering (CF) problems. During the MF process, the non-negativity …

Efficient and high-quality recommendations via momentum-incorporated parallel stochastic gradient descent-based learning

X Luo, W Qin, A Dong, K Sedraoui… - IEEE/CAA Journal of …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A recommender system (RS) relying on latent factor analysis usually adopts stochastic
gradient descent (SGD) as its learning algorithm. However, owing to its serial mechanism …

A fast non-negative latent factor model based on generalized momentum method

X Luo, Z Liu, S Li, M Shang… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Non-negative latent factor (NLF) models can efficiently acquire useful knowledge from high-
dimensional and sparse (HiDS) matrices filled with non-negative data. Single latent factor …

A nonnegative latent factor model for large-scale sparse matrices in recommender systems via alternating direction method

X Luo, MC Zhou, S Li, Z You, Y Xia… - IEEE transactions on …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF)-based models possess fine representativeness of a
target matrix, which is critically important in collaborative filtering (CF)-based recommender …

Generalized nesterov's acceleration-incorporated, non-negative and adaptive latent factor analysis

X Luo, Y Zhou, Z Liu, L Hu… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A non-negative latent factor (NLF) model with a single latent factor-dependent, non-negative
and multiplicative update (SLF-NMU) algorithm is frequently adopted to extract useful …