[图书][B] Bankrupt representation and party system collapse

J Morgan - 2011 - degruyter.com
In recent decades, Bolivia, Colombia, Italy, and Venezuela have all faced the turmoil and
democratic crisis of party system collapse. In Bankrupt Representation and Party System …

Why do the poor receive poor services?

P Keefer, S Khemani - Economic and Political Weekly, 2004 - JSTOR
India exhibits a large reliance on targeted transfer payments and subsidies, and significant
underprovision of social services such as education. These are puzzling outcomes because …

Determinants of public‐sector efficiency: decentralization and fiscal rules

M Christl, M Köppl‐Turyna, D Kucsera - Kyklos, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
This paper investigates the determinants of public‐sector efficiency, in particular the role of
fiscal decentralization and fiscal rules. For 23 European countries over the period from 1995 …

[图书][B] Democracy, public expenditures, and the poor

P Keefer, S Khemani - 2003 - books.google.com
Countries vary systematically with respect to the incentives of politicians to provide broad
public goods and to reduce poverty. Even in developing countries that are democracies …

Decentralisation and poverty reduction: A conceptual framework for the economic impact

S Steiner - 2005 - papers.ssrn.com
This paper contributes to providing insights into the impact of decentralisation on poverty. It
starts out with an overview of which role decentralisation plays in strategies and policies for …

Decentralization and democratic instability: The case of Costa Rica

JJ Ryan - Public Administration Review, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
This article examines the consequences of the decentralization process that is under way in
Costa Rica and which may undermine, rather than bolster, democracy in that country. I first …

Integrating devolution with centralization: A comparison of poverty alleviation programs in India, Mexico, and China

C Zuo - Journal of Chinese Political Science, 2022 - Springer
The theoretical connection between decentralization and the representation-cum-efficiency
advantage in combating poverty has been questioned by empirical evidence. How …

Media, monitoring, and capture of public funds: evidence from Madagascar

N Francken, B Minten, JFM Swinnen - World Development, 2009 - Elsevier
This paper investigates the role of media and monitoring in reducing capture. We analyze
data on capture of public expenditures by local officials in Madagascar. Our findings indicate …

Capacidad tributaria y finanzas públicas metropolitanas en México

G Aguilar Gutiérrez - Estudios demográficos y urbanos, 2010 - scielo.org.mx
En este artículo se examinan los factores determinantes de la capacidad tributaria del
Distrito Federal y 25 municipios en tres zonas metropolitanas de México. Se presentan …

Decentralization and poverty reduction: A theoretical framework for exploring the linkages

S Ali Khan - International Review of Public Administration, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
This study explores the relationship between decentralization and poverty reduction. It seeks
to identify the potential links between decentralization (devolution) and three specified …