A two-way split-step wavelet scheme for tropospheric long-range propagation in various environments

T Bonnafont, O Benhmammouch, A Khenchaf - Remote Sensing, 2022 - mdpi.com
In the context of improving the dimensioning of observation and telecommunication, the
characterization of the propagation canal is very important. Thus, accurate models of …

Modeling the atmospheric long-range electromagnetic weves propagation in 3D using the wavelet transform

T Bonnafont - 2020 - theses.hal.science
The tropospheric long-range propagation of electromagnetic waves is a topic of major
concern in many applications. The objective of this Ph. D. thesis is to develop a method to …

[PDF][PDF] Determination of the thresholds in the split-step wavelet method to assess accuracy for long-range propagation

T Bonnafont, R Douvenot, A Chabory - URSI Radio Science Letters, 2021 - hal.science
Split-step wavelet is a method for computing the tropospheric long-range propagation of
electromagnetic waves. It follows the same steps as split-step Fourier, but the propagation is …

SSW-2D: some open-source propagation software introducing split-step wavelet and wavelet-to-wavelet propagation techniques

R Douvenot - 2023 IEEE-APS Topical Conference on Antennas …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper, the open-source software SSW-2D for propagation simulation is introduced.
The software includes the classical split-step Fourier, as well as the more recent split-step …

Fast Algorithms for Long-Range Wave Propagation over Complex Terrain

M Bright - 2022 - deepblue.lib.umich.edu
Parabolic Wave Equations are an area of extensive research in the description of wave
propagation. The Split-Step Fourier (SSF) method solves the Parabolic Wave Equation …

[PDF][PDF] A Two-Way Split-Step Wavelet Scheme for Tropospheric Long-Range Propagation in Various Environments. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 2686

T Bonnafont, O Benhmammouch, A Khenchaf - 2022 - academia.edu
In the context of improving the dimensioning of observation and telecommunication, the
characterization of the propagation canal is very important. Thus, accurate models of …

A two-way split-step wavelet method for the 2D tropospheric propagation

T Bonnafont, A Khenchaf - 2022 3rd URSI Atlantic and Asia …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Modeling the long-range propagation of electromagnetic waves in the troposphere is a topic
of interest for many applications in surveillance, communication, and remote-sensing. The …

SSW-2D: un logiciel open-source et gratuit pour la propagation par méthode split-step wavelet

R Douvenot, A Chabory - ENVIREM, 2022 - enac.hal.science
Dans ce papier, le logiciel SSW-2D pour la modélisation de la propagation par méthode
split-step wavelet (SSW) est présenté. SSW améliore la méthode split-step Fourier (SSF) …

[PDF][PDF] Sujet de these Optimisation par Machine Learning pour la PROPagation atmosphérique des ondes électromagnétiques au dessus de la surface de mer …

A Khenchaf, T Bonnafont - gdr-ondes.cnrs.fr
Cette these porte sur le développement d'une méthode de Machine Learning (ML) pour la
modélisation de la propagation atmosphérique des ondes électromagnétiques sur de …

Modélisation de la propagation atmosphérique d'ondes électromagnétiques sur de longues distances en 3D à partir de la transformée en ondelettes

T Bonnafont - 2020 - theses.fr
Résumé La propagation troposphèrique des ondes électromagnétiques sur de longues
distances est un sujet important pour de nombreuses applications. L'objectif de cette thèse …