RM Lawless, AK Littwin, KM Porter, JAE Pottow - Am. Bankr. LJ, 2008 - HeinOnline
Before 2005, many people went broke and many filed for bankruptcy. After 2005, many people still go broke, but not so many file for bankruptcy. Why has the number of …
Temporality is an integral part of law. But the legal commentary offers no analytical model to explore the fusion of law and temporality. This article proposes such a model and presents …
Congress recently enacted amendments to the Bankruptcy Code that possess the overarching theme of cracking down on debtors due to the increasing rate at which …
Consumer credit and consumer bankruptcy filings have grown rapidly over the last two decades, and several researchers have attempted to understand the relationship between …
" From the perspective of consumer law in general, the most striking feature of consumer bankruptcy practice is that it exists. It not only exists-it is a booming practice area, one of the …
" Can we suppose, that the principle of moral restraint of such uniform and universal adoption has no good sense in it? Is it altogether the result of monkish prejudice? Ought we …
But at present the laws of bankruptcy are considered as laws... founded on the principles of humanity as well as justice: and to that end they confer some privileges, not only on the …
In the aftermath of the spectacular rise and fall of Ireland's" Celtic Tiger" economy, public debate has spent much time surveying the wreckage and attempting to identify the many …
The enactment of the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act (" BAPCPA") of 2005, amending the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978, marks a transformation in …