Abstract The Hardy–Littlewood inequalities for m-linear forms on ℓ _ p ℓ p spaces are stated for p> mp> m. In this paper, among other results, we investigate similar results for 1 ≦ p ≦ …
D Pellegrino - Journal of Number Theory, 2016 - Elsevier
Text In this note, among other results, we find the optimal constants of the generalized Bohnenblust–Hille inequality for m-linear forms over R and with multiple exponents (1, 2 …
N Albuquerque, L Rezende - Communications in Contemporary …, 2018 - World Scientific
We refine a recent technique introduced by Pellegrino, Santos, Serrano and Teixeira and prove a quite general anisotropic regularity principle in sequence spaces. As applications …
Given an integer m≥ 2, the Hardy–Littlewood inequality (for real scalars) says that for all 2 m≤ p≤∞, there exists a constant C m, p R≥ 1 such that, for all continuous m-linear forms …
G Araújo, D Pellegrino - Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society …, 2017 - Springer
Abstract For K= RK= R or CC, the Hardy–Littlewood inequality for m-linear forms asserts that for 4 ≤ 2m ≤ p ≤ ∞ 4≤ 2 m≤ p≤∞ there exists a constant C_ m, p^ K ≥ 1 C m, p K≥ 1 …
G Araújo, D Pellegrino - European Journal of Combinatorics, 2019 - Elsevier
Let an n× n array aij of lights be given, each either on (when aij= 1) or off (when aij=− 1). For each row and each column there is a switch so that if the switch is pulled (xi=− 1 for row i …
This article has two clear motivations, one technical and one practical. The technical motivation unifies in a single formulation a huge family of inequalities that have been …
In this paper, equivalence constants between various polynomial norms are calculated. As an application, we also obtain sharp values of the Hardy–Littlewood constants for 2 …
F Vieira Costa Júnior - Numerical Functional Analysis and …, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
Abstract The Bohnenblust–Hille inequality for m-linear forms was proven in 1931 as a generalization of the famous 4/3-Littlewood inequality. The optimal constants (or at least …