Potensi dan prospek pemanfaatan lahan pekarangan untuk mendukung ketahanan pangan

TB Purwantini - Forum penelitian agro ekonomi, 2012 - epublikasi.pertanian.go.id
Food security remains as a fundamental problem in most countries along with population
increase, purchasing power improvement, and climate change. To support national food …

Dampak Bantuan Langsung Tunai terhadap ketahanan pangan rumah tangga di Indonesia

ER Amrullah, A Pullaila, I Hidayah… - Jurnal Agro …, 2020 - epublikasi.pertanian.go.id
Direct cash transfer is widely used to strengthen food security and reduce household
vulnerability to poverty. In Indonesia, direct cash transfer (BLT) has lasted several decades …

Pola konsumsi pangan rumah tangga di Provinsi Jawa Barat

A Miranti, Y Syaukat - Jurnal Agro Ekonomi, 2016 - neliti.com
EnglishFood issue, including food security issue, is a part of agriculture concern. One way to
overcome the problems of food is to diversify household food consumption. How household …

[PDF][PDF] Analysing food consumption in Indonesia

D Hafizah, DB Hakim, H Harianto… - International Journal of …, 2020 - researchgate.net
This study analyzed the patterns of food consumption of communities in Indonesia. The data
used was the National Socio-Economic Survey (SUSENAS) data in 2016. The method used …

Pengaruh Pendapatan Dan Harga Pangan Terhadap Diversifikasi Pangan Di Pulau Jawa

MP Hutagaol, R Sinaga - Scientific Journal of Reflection: Economic …, 2022 - ojspustek.org
This study uses data from the National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) for the period
March 2015, March 2016 and March 2017 which was collected by the Central Statistics …

Food Diversification and Dynamic Food Security: Evidence from Poor Households

D Yuniarti, Y Purwaningsih, AM Soesilo… - Jurnal Ekonomi …, 2022 - journals.ums.ac.id
An understanding of the determinants of household food security is fundamental for an
appropriate food security strategy. Taking the cases in Kulonprogo and Gunung Kidul …

[PDF][PDF] Tipologi pola konsumsi pangan untuk menjaga ketahanan pangan masyarakat sekitar kawasan hutan lindung Mutis Timau KPH Kabupaten Timor Tengah …

FX Dako, RH Purwanto, LRW Faida… - Jurnal Ketahanan …, 2019 - academia.edu
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsumsi berbagai jenis bahan makanan oleh
masyarakat yang berada di dalam dan sekitar kawasan hutan lindung Mutis Timau …

Development strategy 0f local food diversification

I Imelda, N Kusrini, R Hidayat - JEJAK: Jurnal Ekonomi dan …, 2017 - journal.unnes.ac.id
The purpose of this research is to develop strategies that can be applied in the development
of local food diversification in West Kalimantan. The data used are primary data and …

The impact of climate change on the production of cassava and sweet potato in Indonesia

J Sutrisno, RU Fajarningsih, R Khairiyakh… - … Series: Earth and …, 2023 - iopscience.iop.org
Cassava and sweet potato are important commodities in Indonesia. They have a role as
carbohydrate sources and industrial commodities. Climate factors are environmental …